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Healthy Bananas Recipes 1.0
Healthy Guides LLC.
Healthy Bananas RecipesBananas rapidly going brown in the fruit bowl? Frombananamuffins and banana cake to banana fritters and bananadesserts,this is theCollection for you! If you're after banana bread, check outourBanana bread & sweet loavesBananas are easy to eat, great to cook with, and have amellow,creamy flavor that still suggests tropical sun.In Season: The banana's peak season is January through April,butthe fruit is available year-round in supermarkets.What to look For: Choose plump, evenly colored yellowbananasflecked with tiny brown specks (a sign of ripeness). AvoidthosewithBlemishes, which usually indicate bruising.How to Store: Ripe bananas can be stored in the refrigeratorforseveral days. The peel will turn brown but the fleshwillremainUnchanged.Bananas are the most popular fresh fruit in the United States.Theyhave a peel that comes off easily, they ripen afterthey'vebeenrank fourth after rice, wheat and maize in human consumption;theyare grown in 130 countries worldwide, more than for anyotherfruitcrop. Bananas are native to tropical southeastern Asia.Bananas are a valuable source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C,andpotassium.The four leading banana exporter countries were Ecuador, CostaRica,Philippines, and Colombia; accounted for about twothirds of the worlds exports; with each exporting more than1million tons. Ecuador alone provided more than 30% ofglobalbananaexports according to FAO statistics.Bananas are classified either as dessert bananas (meaningtheyare yellow and fully ripe when eaten) or as green cookingBananasand plantains constitute a major staple food crop formillions ofpeople in developing countries. In most tropicalcountriesgreen (unripe) bananas used for cooking represent themaincultivars. Cooking bananas are very similar to potatoes in howtheyareused. Both can be fried, boiled, baked or chipped and havesimilartaste and texture when served. Nutritionally onegreencookingbanana has about the same nutritional and calorie content asonepotato.The vast majority of producers are small-scale farmersgrowingthe crop either for home consumption or for localmarkets.Becausebananas and plantains will produce fruit year-round, they provideanextremely valuable source of food during the hungerseason(thatperiod of time when all the food from the previous harvest hasbeenconsumed, and the next harvest is still some time away). Itisforthese reasons that bananas and plantains are of major importancetofood security.List of banana dishesThis is a list of banana dishes in which banana or plantainisused as a primary ingredient. Foods prepared with bananaorplantain asa primary ingredient are also included in this list. A banana isanedible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceousflowering plants in the genus Musa.[1] (In some countries,bananasused for cooking may be called plantains.) The fruit isvariableinsize, color and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved,withsoft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind which maybegreen,yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruits grow inclustershanging from the top of the plant.Enjoy this marvelous guide for bananas recipes, you can findmoreinfo on our website and on the net in general.Obviously we try to keep the app as healthy as possibleif you have any issues, questions, feedback feel free to contactusand shot us an email.Thanks for downloading...Happy banana baking
Tips for Clash Royale 1.0
Healthy Guides LLC.
This app was created for those players ofthegame who wish to improve, and master this addictive game.Now you will be able to learn some technics, better using yourdeck,whatever cards you prefer, whether they be the mightyinfernodragon, the skeleton army or the heavy duty x-bow.You will learn how to strengthen your spear goblins squatandarchers, and how to use Valkyrie and hog rider wisely.So, you have been playing for quite some time and askingyourself,how do I become one of those players that are the top ofthe chartsin Clash Royale? How do those guys get so much gems andcoins?Well, a lot of them just spend a lot of money to get there.And bya lot I mean a l-o-t. Even thousands of dollars (the realcoins).While it is true that will take you to much higher levels,andfast, you can be at those levels without paying nothing! Itdoesrequire from you time and discipline. It won’t happenovernight,but once you study, you will slowly but surely willadvance in thegame. And you don’t have to wait forever for thesechests to open(the crown chest is my favorite) and even longer foryour trophiesto pile up. So, prepare yourself (and your barbariansarmy) forbecoming a top player.It doesn’t matter what is your favorite deck, as long as you keepagood number of elixir cost. We’ll tell you what is the rightnumber(well, range of numbers). Of course, it should be a mix ofhighelixir cards and small and medium elixir.Prepare for your next battle! This time you will come with alltheknowledge and motivation required, of course, because you readmyroyal guide I truly tried to give my best tips for you guys. You areprobablyasking yourself, what is his score that he thinks a canhand outtips and cheats for this game? Well, I won’t tell you, alsobecauseit changes every day, but it is quite high.What’s your favorite card? Mine is the minion horde. Why youask?First of all, they attack from the air, which is always good,andcan hit anyone in the arena, whether it be a flying creature oraground one, and cause quite a big damage, fast.My guess is you are so eager right now to read this guide andstartbattling like there is no tomorrow!Thank you for reading so far… and downloading Disclaimer: We are not affiliated or endorsed in any way bytheoriginal creator of the Clash Royale game.